Know about different stages of hair loss – Advanced Hair Studio

Continuous hair loss is a lot more than just a bad hair day. Each strand loss means a dip in one’s confidence. There is something about hair on our heads, our crown of glory, that can make or break our day and make us feel terrible or incredible. A full head during your younger years is not a guarantee that you won’t have to deal with baldness later on.


Here Advanced Hair Studio presents a detailed analysis of hair loss –

1. Stage 1 – This shows an adolescent hairline, generally located on the upper brow crease. There is no hair loss at the hairline or the crown of the head. No baldness treatment or cure is necessary at this stage. All you need to do is use the right hair care products and go on a prescribed diet for healthy hair.

2. Stage 2 – This stage demonstrates the progression of the adult hairline where you can look out for male baldness pattern signs. An initial sign of baldness shows when you can notice asymmetrical or triangular area of recession at the frontal hairline. Hair loss at this point may be very mild but check the central part of your scalp as it could also start losing hair. Consulting a dermatologist or taking medicines or nutritional supplements at this point can be recommended.

3. Stage 3 – This hair loss stage is considered cosmetically significant enough to be called baldness. This further escalates making hair loss evident in the crown and temporal area. The bald spot at the back of the head starts to appear. There is a bridge of a moderately dense hair that divides hair loss on the front to that of the crown. However, this could be a positive sign. Depending on the choice of cure, you can go back to Stage 2. At this stage, you can still reduce the effects.

4. Stage 4 – This is the harbinger of severe hair loss. Hair loss at the temples is more noticeable now. If you have decided to go for hair transplant procedures, consult your doctor. As the stages progress, the hair starts to thin even more. But hair replacement solutions are available at every stage so even at this critical point, a natural-looking hair restoration procedure is pretty much achievable.

5. Stage 5 – Hair Loss on the sides of the head extends further at this stage. This is the most advanced stage of hair loss as only a wreath of hair remains on the sides and the back of the scalp. After this stage, the bridge of hair is completely gone.

Advanced Hair Studio educates you about the different stages you may go through, what to expect at each stage and what to do to minimize the effects. It offers several options and suggests one that suites your requirements and needs.