Does a Hair Transplant comes with some Side Effects? Everything You Need to Know!

Hair Transplant is a procedure in which a surgeon moves hair to a bald area of the hair. It’s done by taking hair from thicker parts of the scalp, or other parts of the body, and grafting it to the thinning or balding section of the scalp. You may want to know the side effects associated with hair transplant.

Some potential side effects of hair transplant are –

  1. Bleeding – Although rare, persistent bleeding is a possible side effect of hair transplant. While some bleeding is expected, persistent bleeding may require additional stitching.
  2. Infection – Infection from a hair transplant is possible, though unlikely, affecting one in thousands of cases. However, this can be easily avoided with the use of antibiotics.
  3. Temporary Thinning – This is a rampant side effect of a hair transplant. However, the hair will grow back. Falling of the pre-existing hair can also take place after getting a hair transplant. This hair fall, however is not permanent and your hair will return in a couple of months.
  4. Itching – Itching is a common side effect experienced by patients. It may however become severe if not addressed properly. Itching mainly occurs due to the formation of scabs and can be calmed with regular shampooing. However, one needs to consult a hair transplant clinic when the problem escalates beyond tolerance. There are special moisturising oils which can help treat this issue.
  5. Scarring – If you are prone to scarring, this side effect you should be worried about. Scarring generally occurs in patients who are predisposed to the problem and is more likely to occur in individuals who choose strip plantations. Some patients develop genetic predispositions towards extreme scarring. There is one in a thousand chance of a hair transplant surgery cause a ridging effect in people who are prone to scarring.
  6. Cysts – Cysts generally occur when the hair follicles damage your skin and push deep into the layers. They usually are pimple sized lumps that are mostly benign. However, one should not take cysts lightly and must consult a doctor without delay when affected by such a side effect. In most cases, the cysts disappear by themselves.
  7. Pain – Pain is a common side effect of hair transplant procedure. The pain is endurable in most cases. It is temporary and will eventually die down once the scalp starts to heal.
  8. Swelling – Though swelling is rare, it can affect the forehead and the area surrounding the eyes. It can last up-to two days and in some cases can cause a black eye to develop.
  9. Numbness – Numbness is inevitable. It occurs in the donor area and can last for around 18 weeks. If it does not go away after 18 weeks, you should consult a doctor.

Any kind of medical procedure has associated risks. If you are thinking about getting a hair transplant, ensure that you have done a proper research so that you are prepared. It is also crucial to undergo hair transplant at the best possible hair clinic done by a highly experience surgeon to reduce and possibly eliminate these side effect!