Can a Balanced Diet & Vitamin Supplements Enhance Hair Growth Post Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant has come out as a savior of hair, confidence, personality & charm of people who were suffering from baldness or acute thinning of hair. It is undoubtedly the best baldness treatment & restoration procedure that guarantees the reversal of baldness but at the same time, is it just the surgery that will guarantee hair regrowth for men, or are there other factors to be taken care of?

The factors that will impact hair growth post hair transplant aren’t any different from what is otherwise needed for normal healthy hair. To be a proud owner of voluminous, lustrous mane one needs to have a balanced diet that provides complete nutrition to the follicles.
A balanced diet which includes green vegetables, fresh fruits, poultry, dairy products, fish & cereals will undoubtedly fulfill the requirement of our hair. It will supply all the vitamins, iron, zinc, minerals & proteins and it is a proven fact that our body absorbs them best from the food we intake.

Here are some foods that contribute to healthy hair growth by providing the required nutrients.

  1. Eggs- A well-known source of protein & biotin, enhances hair growth as the follicles are made mostly of protein.
  2. Spinach- A bunch of green, leafy spinach provides vitamin A&C, folate, and iron; all of which boosts hair growth.
  3. Fish- Fishes are a marvelous source of omega 3 & 5 fatty acids and antioxidants, have seen to have benefitted & increased hair density in women suffering from hair thinning.
  4. Avocado- Super rich in vitamin E incorporating such fruits in your diet will spurt the growth of hair.
  5. Nuts- Nuts have been declared as a health booster from ancient times. It provides vitamin B, E, Zinc and fatty acids. Their consumption arrests hair loss.
  6. Meat- All of us are aware that meat is a very rich source of protein and should be included in your daily diet.


In case, you are suffering from hair loss and in the process of hair loss treatment, you are diagnosed with a deficiency of a particular vitamin or protein than its advisable to take supplements as prescribed by the expert. The dosage & duration will also be specific and may vary from person to person. Once the desired level is achieved these supplements need to be discontinued.

An overdose of the supplements may lead to an excess of the vitamin, in return, harming instead of benefitting the hair growth. Health & nutrition experts are concerned & warn against overdoing supplement intake. For example, Biotin is undoubtedly crucial for the health of the hair and its growth but too much of it leads to hair loss along with other health problems. The same goes for vitamin A, zinc, etc. and if the approved doses are exceeded regularly it can aggravate hair loss.

It can be safely concluded that there is no need to take supplements randomly as they may cause more harm than good if an overdose occurs. A balanced diet combined with other factors like exercise, stress-free life, etc. will be sufficient for healthy hair growth even after hair transplant.

Know about different stages of hair loss – Advanced Hair Studio

Continuous hair loss is a lot more than just a bad hair day. Each strand loss means a dip in one’s confidence. There is something about hair on our heads, our crown of glory, that can make or break our day and make us feel terrible or incredible. A full head during your younger years is not a guarantee that you won’t have to deal with baldness later on.


Here Advanced Hair Studio presents a detailed analysis of hair loss –

1. Stage 1 – This shows an adolescent hairline, generally located on the upper brow crease. There is no hair loss at the hairline or the crown of the head. No baldness treatment or cure is necessary at this stage. All you need to do is use the right hair care products and go on a prescribed diet for healthy hair.

2. Stage 2 – This stage demonstrates the progression of the adult hairline where you can look out for male baldness pattern signs. An initial sign of baldness shows when you can notice asymmetrical or triangular area of recession at the frontal hairline. Hair loss at this point may be very mild but check the central part of your scalp as it could also start losing hair. Consulting a dermatologist or taking medicines or nutritional supplements at this point can be recommended.

3. Stage 3 – This hair loss stage is considered cosmetically significant enough to be called baldness. This further escalates making hair loss evident in the crown and temporal area. The bald spot at the back of the head starts to appear. There is a bridge of a moderately dense hair that divides hair loss on the front to that of the crown. However, this could be a positive sign. Depending on the choice of cure, you can go back to Stage 2. At this stage, you can still reduce the effects.

4. Stage 4 – This is the harbinger of severe hair loss. Hair loss at the temples is more noticeable now. If you have decided to go for hair transplant procedures, consult your doctor. As the stages progress, the hair starts to thin even more. But hair replacement solutions are available at every stage so even at this critical point, a natural-looking hair restoration procedure is pretty much achievable.

5. Stage 5 – Hair Loss on the sides of the head extends further at this stage. This is the most advanced stage of hair loss as only a wreath of hair remains on the sides and the back of the scalp. After this stage, the bridge of hair is completely gone.

Advanced Hair Studio educates you about the different stages you may go through, what to expect at each stage and what to do to minimize the effects. It offers several options and suggests one that suites your requirements and needs.

How to Get Back Your Lost Hair – Advanced Hair Studio

Aging is a fact of life. Although there is no real escaping from it, there are ways to help treat it and reduce hair loss altogether by getting to the root cause. For example, one of the most common signs of aging that impact men is hair loss. This condition is also known as Androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness. Although it is proven that fewer women suffer from hair loss, hair loss is still a problem for women, too, but for different reasons.The majority of women suffer from hair loss and thin hair due to a change or imbalance in hormones, such as menopausal or premenopausal women.

If you are sick of trying endless hair loss shampoos, conditioners or other anti-hair loss treatments that promise to work but don’t, we may have a solution for you…

We at ‘Advanced Hair Studio’ have  researched, analyzed, and tested hundreds of hair loss treatments—from shampoos, conditioners, hair growth serums, topicals, hair transplants and even laser hair therapy to determine the best possible treatment. Advanced Hair Studio Total Hair Loss Solutions specialises in Hair Replacement, Surgical, Non-Surgical, bespoke Hair Replacement treatments for individuals with different types of Alopecia. For those who have just started to witness hair loss or thinning of their hair, the Hair Laser Hair Retention Services not only stops hair loss but in many cases will aid in regrowth.


Advanced Laser Therapy is a safe form of light treatment under investigation for a variety of health indications. It is being used to treat the genetic forms of hair loss common in men and women, androgenetic alopecia or pattern balding. This therapy is also called red light therapy, cold laser, soft laser, biostimulation and photobiomodulation. The good news is that once you detect your hair loss, there are solutions for treatment with us. If underlying suggestions have been ruled out, there are a handful of non-surgical, non-invasive options that are proven to work. These include laser therapy, oral prescription medications, and topical solutions. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each treatment and decide which is best for you.

Advanced Laser therapy is a wonderful option to treat hair loss because it has no known side-effects. Physicians recommend it to patients because it is easy to comply with instructions for use. It does not require combing, nor applying messy solutions to scalp. It can be used in combination with other therapies if desired. Whether used in conjunction with hair transplant procedures or prescription hair loss medications, laser hair therapy has the potential to significantly improve the health of the hair follicle, leading to a fuller and more natural looking head of hair.

Seeing hair everywhere except your scalp? It’s certainly time to beckon Advanced Hair Studio!